Explosion proof LED touchdown/positioning and heliport identification marking light system
Getting your crew safely to and from offshore locations can be challenging. To improve the safety of (night) helicopter manoeuvres offshore, Orga designed an explosion proof LED touchdown/positioning and heliport identification marking light system in conjunction with and approved by the UK CAA (CAP437).
The robust and reliable LED lighting system eliminates the dangerous and disorienting ‘black-hole’ effect and provides pilots with the best possible visual cues during approach and landing of the helicopter in all weather conditions. The lights in Orga’s TD/PM Circle-H lighting system burn steady yellow and green. The yellow lights illuminate the Touchdown/Positioning Marking Circle, while the green lights illuminate the Heliport Identification Marking ‘H’.
The lighting system supports smoother and more controlled landing, which reduces helicopter landing risks and makes sure your helideck safety complies.